Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Test Drive

For all my blogging friends out a sister out! Here's a few questions to start:
-how do I change my font/color in the heading?
-how in the WORLD do I add pictures to this thing?
There are many more, but this might get me started...


  1. I love the background!! Can't wait to read all about it!

  2. My hint is to use a program called Windows Live Writer for blogging with Blogger...that's what I do, and it's so much easier than using the blogger web interface. Read more about it here: . Though, I'm guessing that won't work if you use a Mac. :/

    Good luck! Looking forward to reading about your adventures! :)

  3. Have you tried the Blogger videos that explain how to do things? They might be of help. I have not found a lot of versatility in the font color for a title within Blogger. Your question about photos--are you talking about within a post, or with your title?

    I think it's a great background you chose, and I look forward to following along for the ride! I'm having a little trouble signing on as a follower because the "Cutest blog" is covering where I need to click to follow. I'll keep trying...


  4. Let's see...
    I am not sure how to change the color of the title. Based on the blog that I have to do, you go to Design, then to Background Image, and you should be able to choose the color theme.
    Now, to add a picture, you have to create a post. Then, click on the little photo where it says add image. You can upload the picture from your computer or a web page. Then, just upload the image. It may not work the first time, but just try it again.
    My blog is for school purposes only, so we are learning to put up websites, youtube, powerpoints, and how to work the gadgets. I will not be adding anything else to it (hopefully). I am NO expert. Hope it helps!
