Sunday, August 8, 2010

Anthro loves AG

I'm having my own little "Devil Wears Prada" moments these days. See, in my former life, I worked as a manager for a small (but ever growing!) bank based out of Houston, TX. I thought I loved it. I did. Love it. It was challenging, I had responsibilities I'd never had before, and most importantly, I learned a ton about myself and just the nature of people in general. Anyway, that's another post. I was happy. THEN. I moved to London. EEK! I got a job at Anthro. And now I'm a part-time sales associate. No managerial duties whatsoever. And I'm so ok with that its almost depressing. I get to learn about/further my appreciation/bask in the glory of fashion. I know, I know, "Most girls would kill for this job." Right? Here's a glimpse at what we got to do last week...keep in mind...this was hard work!

(And if you need it the username is anthro and the password is kingsroad. It's a big file, so just be patient with it while it loads).

That's right. A fashion show. Notice the fab-U-lous jeans we are all wearing...AG baby. And I'm in love. And a big BIG thank you to Penny at Young-Meyer Photography for the awesome photos...she is a joy and a true professional. GREAT photos, Pen!

The "fashion show" was for our AG designers who came to London to give us a bit of "denim 101." I'm talking about the brilliant Adriano Goldschmied. Don't know who that is? Shame on you! (It's ok, I didn't until last week I'M ASHAMED TO SAY!!!!)...I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful these folks were or how fabulous this company is, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do yourself a favor and check out their website. A few of us were even lucky enough to walk away with a pair of these high quality denim trousers. Talk about a hard day's work...

I could so get used to this...


  1. I watched the whole thing...twice! :) Looks like so much fun...and you look adorable, of course!

  2. I LOVED the slideshow!! Everyone looks awesome!!

    And there is a piece of that small bank in our Wal-Mart here in NC! Uhm, I think London looks more fun!!!

  3. How fun! Tim watched it with me and he kept saying, "that's so girlie" and I responded, "that's so fun." Oh, I'm a little jealous.

  4. Looks like so much fun!!! I can imagine you having a total blast! I miss our Starbucks runs.

  5. that's awesome! i went into anthro today and thought of my friend, cristen. :)
